Thought for the Week – Humour

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“We don’t laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh”. William James.

In Ernest Kurtz’ book, The Spirituality of Imperfection , he points out that the words “human,” “humility,” and “humour” all share a common Indo-European root, ghôm, best translated by the English word “humus.” Humus is vegetable matter reduced to its most basic form.

In our evolution, humour was a signal that a situation is safe. Laughter breaks tension by making stressful situations less threatening.  Jokes are often heard at funeral because gallows humour helps us deal with sadness.

Humour brings us down to earth and makes us more resilient- patients recovering from surgery who watch comedies request twenty five percent less pain medication. Soldiers who make jokes deal better with stress. People who laugh naturally six months after losing a spouse cope better. Couples who laugh together are more likely to stay married.

It also lowers our heart rate and relaxes our muscles!

“A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Proverbs 17:22


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Thought for the Week – Tuneful Spirit

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In the end our presence is all we have – the quality of that presence needs to be minded. In our busy daily lives it can be diluted.  We are there but not there – distracted, maybe by technology – externally present, miles away- our minds secretly elsewhere.

John O’Donohue,  his book Divine Beauty, has a lovely piece on the power of our presence which is particularly pertinent for parents and teachers. “It has been shown, that when there are two harps tuned to the same frequency in a room, one a large harp and the other smaller, if a chord is struck in the bigger harp it fills and infuses the little harp with the grandeur and beauty of its resonance and brings it into tuneful harmony. Then the little harp sounds out its own tune in its own voice. This is one of the unnoticed ways in which a child learns to become him or herself.

Perhaps the most powerful way parents and teachers rear children is through the quality of their presence and the atmosphere that pertains in the in-between times of each day. Unconsciously the child absorbs this and hopefully parents send out enough tuneful spirit for the child to come into harmony with her own voice.”


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Thought For The Week – Where are you hiding?

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“Where are you hiding” the Lord enquires of Adam and Eve.
They answered, “We heard the sound of You walking in
the garden in the cool of the day”.
“But where were you hiding”? “We hid among the trees”, they said.
“And why were you hiding”? “Because we were afraid,” they answered…

“Come then, my love, my lovely one, come
My dove, hiding in the clefts of the rock,
in the coverts of the cliff, show me your face,
let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet
and your face is beautiful.” (From The Song of Songs)

Where are YOU hiding? – where am I hiding?
The question hangs over each of us – behind a wall of possessions,
lost in busyness, drowned in work.
Why am I hiding? – because beneath these covers, I am naked and afraid.

And the Lord says, “Come then my love, my lovely one, come
For winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth…
the cooing of the dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree is forming its first figs
and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance.
Come then my lovely one, come…..
Out of your hiding….”

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Thought for the Week – The Age of Disconnection

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One of the greatest issues facing us, is our profound and painful sense of disconnection – we have become disconnected from ourselves, from our bodies, our interior world, disconnected from nature, isolated from our neighbour and from God. This is leading us into more and more destructive behaviour patterns. I once heard the saying, “if you want to be happy, get connected.” There is a truth in that statement.

D.H Lawrence, in Lady Chatterley’s Lover, recognized the serious consequences of being cut off from nature and from our own dark, secret root system.

Oh what a catastrophe for man when he cut himself off

from his union with the sun and the earth.

This is what is the matter with us. We are bleeding at the roots,

because we are cut off from the earth and sun and stars and

love is grinning mockery, because, poor blossom,

we plucked it from its stem on the tree of Life and expected

it to keep on blooming in our civilized  vase on the table”

We have to get back in contact with our secret root system; according to Lawrence we need to make a ‘detour’ back toward the primal state, in order to revitalize and invigorate civilization, to recover the mysteries of nature and the sacredness of the body. Get reconnected.

Our lack of organic connection to the whole of life takes its toll. Our inner ecology, the ecology of the soul can be unbalanced and even destroyed by the disconnection we experience.


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Thought for the Week – Relationships

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We live in a relational universe – relationships are how life is organised at every level, from the simplest organism to the most complex – we are conceived in relationship, formed by relationships and sustained by relationships.
So relationships are not an option – they are at the centre of who I am. We often delude ourselves into thinking we are independent, autonomous and self-sufficient and this vision is, as Einstein suggested, an ‘optical illusion’ of our consciousness.
The reason we attempt to side-step this reality is because relationships lie in the realm of mystery and and you are not in control. Relationships are messy, challenging, sometimes fun, other times frustrating. But they are what we are – the stage on which we live our lives.
If this is true of how we are in the world, it is even truer of God and the Sacred Trinity. But again we want to control God, making Him into a self-sufficient, autonomous, distant person and so try to avoid the ‘messy mystery’ of a relationship – avoiding the humility and trust demanded by being in relationship.
Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday – this is a time when we are invited to open our hearts and minds to the reality of the ‘divine dance’ that is the Trinity.
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Thought for the Week -.Jesus and the Trinity

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In two books I am reading at the moment, The Divine Dance, by Richard Rohr and Religion as Metaphor, by David Tacey they make a similar point about Jesus, the second person of the Trinity. We have ‘separated Jesus from the Trinity’ and ‘locked divinity’ into this one person.
Tacey suggests that, “we cannot afford to lock divinity away in this single figure (Jesus) or imagine that the incarnation of God was once-only event, single, absolute and not to be repeated.
Rohr, in his exploration of the Trinity, says that we have, “essentially extracted Jesus from the Trinity in our concept of God.
Jesus was separated out in the spirituality we got – he was the suffering servant and our moral exemplar -someone we could imitate. The Spirit was never mentioned except in hushed tones and as the Holy Ghost and he behaved accordingly.
But the Spirit is at the very heart of Christianity – ‘the Lord and giver of life’, we say in the Creed. Ignatius of Laodicea, an Orthodox Bishop claims that:  “without the Holy Spirit Christ is merely an historical figure, the Gospel is a dead letter,
the Church is just an organisation, authority is domination, mission is propaganda, liturgy is nostalgia and the work of Christians is slave labour.”
But with the Holy Spirit, ………the Gospel  is a living force, the Church is a communion in the life of the Trinity, authority is a service that sets people free….. the liturgy is memory and anticipation and the labour of Christians is divinised.
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Thought for the Week – Vulnerability

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If the spirit is to have any impact in my daily life then I have to give it time and space – I need to be vulnerable and let go of control – I don’t do vulnerability very well – I prefer control.
Yet growth depends on vulnerability -think of the crab. It must shed its shell, its armour casing, in order to grow. That makes it vulnerable for a time. It is a risky to live undefended, in openness to the other, even for a short while – and it is easy to be wounded in this state.  But the wound is the opening that lets the energetic spirit into our lives – blowing where it will – helping, but not forcing us to grow into a life of love.  As long as we show up the Holy Spirit keeps working – that is its job!
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Thought for the Week – The Theory of Three Ages

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Joachim de Fiore, a twelfth century Calabrian monk, was ahead of his time – he came up with the theory of three ages. The Old Testament is about the reign of the Father(Judaism) and the New Testament about the reign of the Son(Christianity).  He believed that humanity was at the edge of a third age – the age of the Holy Spirit – that an ancient experience of the spirit was re-emerging and would proceed from the gospel of Jesus, but move beyond its focus on the Jesus of history to an experience of universal Spirit and the mystical Christ.
According to Joachim, in this third stage, we would be able to understand the words of God in their deepest meanings – understand that the spirit is holisitic, embodied, and immanent rather then transcendental and removed from our world.  He also believed, that as God speaks through the soul of human beings, the old order would collapse and its hierarchical structures become unnecessary.
The Pope of the day, Alexander IV was having none of it and condemned his theories and charged him with heresy. Heretical or not we seem to be moving into a new era.
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Thought for the Week – BASIN THEOLOGY

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A layman said to a priest after Mass, ‘You priests talk a lot about giving but when you get right down to it, it all comes down to ‘Basin Theology.’
What is ‘Basin Theology’ asked the priest?
The layman replied, remember what Pilate did when he had the chance to acquit Jesus? He called for a basin and washed his hands of the whole thing.
But Jesus, the night before he was to die, called for a basin and proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples.
It all comes down to basin theology…which one will you use?
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Thought for the Week – Country music is different

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In the week that Big Tom died, I am reminded of an analysis of Country Music by Malcolm Gladwell – how it touches our emotions. If you look at the top 50 Rock music songs – they tend to be generic,  repetitive and often laced with cliches. Gladwell calls them, “hymns to extroversion”.
Country music is different – it deals with the dramas of human life – relationships in trouble – marriages breaking up, people falling apart, throwing themselves off bridges, drinking themselves to death. Gladwell gives the example of ‘Golden Ring’, a song by Tammy Wynette. It is  is about a marriage that is falling apart – the song follows their wedding ring from pawn shop to pawn shop.  “Cast aside like the love that’s dead and gone. By itself it’s just a cold metallic thing…etc
Gladwell suggests it is the details in Country Music – the ‘specificity of the moment’, that touches our hearts in a way that Rock music does not – the story is real, the details sharp and we are caught up in the emotion.
Another part of the story is that rock and roll musicians are from diverse backgrounds and almost have to be generic if they are to be understood. Country music on the other hand comes from a tight knit musical community and can be specific – you are singing to people who know your world, “you can bare your soul because and they will understand – you are  among your own”.  Big Tom was from this community and they loved him.
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