Men’s sheds Are a place that men of all ages and creeds, can come together with work and play to improve and share a common well-being.It is well known that most men are reluctant to just TALK! It is found that honest men taking part in communal work and recreation, do relax a little and chat in an informal, warm, friendly environment. The amazing Men’s Shed Movement started in Australia approximately twelve years ago and rapidly spread wold wide, appearing in Ireland about five years ago.It is noted that in locals where men’s sheds are present and operating with strength, the depression and suicidal problems decrease dramatically. And a new brightness in the whole community appears.Fortunately for the people of the Murroe and Boher areas. The Mulcair Men’s Shed is now newly formed and in operation for us and all other parishes of the area. at the Abington Enterprise Center. By coincidence this is the center of the River Mulcair Tributary Region that we are in. It covers both East Co Limerick and North West Tipperary. That brings us the extra pride and strength to say “We are a Shed without borders.We are open most evenings and part of some days, although 8pm Wednesdays we always have a group social meeting. This is an open invitation to you. For more details, please check out our Facebook page Mulcair Men’s Shed or email or Conrad (061) 378322 083 1600845 or any of our members.