DiL2018: Registration for the Pieta House Darkness into Light has opened.
For Murroe registration please go to: https://dil.pieta.ie/event-
The route will be from the Muintir na Tíre Hall in Murroe, left at The Monument, in the back gate of Glenstal Abbey and out the front gates back to the hall. We plan to have refreshments for all walkers and look forward to seeing you there on the morning.
Please register as soon as possible – Early bird registration ends 4th April. If you register by 4th May, 10th Anniversary t-shirts will be delivered to you directly, with no guarantee of you getting your t-shirt on time if you register after that date.
If you have any queries please contact any of Tony Breen, Ita Richardson, Anne O’ Connor, Geraldine O’Brien, Helena Hayes or send an e-mail to dilmurroe18@gmail.com (new address this year!).