Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Anniversaries: Murroe
Eamon Rainsford Months Mind,Matt Cuddy and Tom and KittyLynch 7pm this Saturday
James and Mary Clarke 9am this Sunday
Bobby and Ryan Cusack,William and Bridget Maher and Tom and Nan O’Malley 7pm next Saturday
Jimmy Coleman,Michael Humphreys and
Paddy and Patrick Owens and Florence Byrne 11.30am next Sunday
John Barron and deceased members of the Barron Family and
Tommy and Mary Bartley 10am this Sunday
Eileen Stockil Months Mind 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend:
Boher: Des Duffy.
Murroe: Breda Fitzpatrick 7pm, Michael O’Loughlin 9am, Kathryn Buckley 11.30am
Masses for coming week: Boher – No Mass on Monday.
Weekly Envelopes are being distributed at present. If you would like to contribute using a weekly envelope, please give your name to Fr Brennan or Fr Ryan or either of the sacristans.
Church Finances: Following the publication of the yearly Financial Statement, the Parish Financial Team have decided on a set of measures which may alleviate the current deficit. We have asked for an increase in contributions from 1st March for the weekly envelopes. A list of fees is currently being prepared for the use of the Church for Weddings, Baptisms etc. These will be published shortly. We hope people will understand the need for these changes.
Daughters of Charity St Vincent’s, Lisnagry wish to sincerely thank all who contributed a total €755 to last weekend’s collection. Special thanks to the collectors in Murroe and Boher who braved the atrocious conditions to help with the collection.
HOPE Foundation: I would like to extend my gratitude to Fr Brennan, Fr Ryan and the people of Murroe/Boher Parish for the very generous donations from last weekend’s masses. Thank you for the opportunity to speak at the masses and raise awareness on behalf of the HOPE foundation. Ava Marsh
Murroe-Boher Historical Society is pleased to confirm that our next talk will be given by Peter O’Grady at the Muintir na Tíre Hall, Murroe, on Thursday, 20th February 2020, at 8.30 p.m. sharp. Peter will speak to us on “The Hunt for “Black” Mick Hayes.” Admission €5 to non-members.
Lotto Results for 9/2/20 -9,11,29,31- No Winner. €20 Dips Brian Lonergan, Aoife & Saoirse Barry, Tommy Deer & Louise Hanly. Next week’s Jackpot €9,000 Draw in Powers. Double Down lotto draw -12,16,18,23-€50 Dips Paula Kett, Margaret Ryan, Mary Hartnett & Mark Timmons
Athletics: Congratulations to Peter Ashe & Rian Horgan, members of Newport AC U12 Boys 4 x 500m Cross-Country Relay Team, winning Silver at the National Inter Club Finals in Rathdrum, Co Wicklow on 8th February.
Murroe Boher Bord na nOg, are delighted to announce that we are back training. Our u6,7 & 8’s are back in Murroe Wood Park on Saturday mornings at 10.00am. All new members welcome.
Murroe AFC Last weekend the stormy weather played havoc with the fixtures and in the end all fixtures were called off.
This weekend on Sunday 16th February, the A team are away to Athlunkard Villa at 11am in the league, while the C team are at home to Shelbourne also at 11am in the league. The B team, and Youth team have no fixtures.
Keep an eye on the club Facebook page and Twitter feeds for up to the minute fixtures and results!
Reflection: The Scribes and Pharisees never missed an opportunity to attack and criticise Jesus. They just didn’t like the people with whom he ate, drank and befriended; the poor, the sick, the outcast, those they considered to be sinners. But Jesus in return was never in shy in challenging them for their behaviour.
In the gospel today, he directly condemns them for their strict observance of the law while ignoring the heart of the Law – love, mercy and compassion. For them virtue and daily living was largely measured by what others saw them do and heard them say. They liked to show off and win the approval of others on whom they looked down self-righteously. Jesus says directly to the people; if your virtue goes no further than that of the scribes and pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’ Strong and challenging words indeed!