Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent Deaths: Fr. John Ryan A.P. Knocklong, formerly of Rearcross
Anniversaries: Murroe
Catherine Danaher and
Martin Fitzgibbon 7pm this Saturday
Deceased members of the Hayes Family and
Bridget Minihan 9am this Sunday
Kevin Fitzgibbon 11.30am this Sunday
Patsy Dunlea and
Pat and Biddy Davis &
Johnny and Breda O’Brien 7pm next Saturday
Bridget O’Grady Months Mind 11.30am next Sunday
Mai Richardson and
Paddy and Bridget Skehan and
John Quinn 10am this Sunday
Michael Nolan and
John McCarthy 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Esther Reilly.
Murroe: Willie Carey 7pm, Suzanne Barron 9am, Breda Berkery 11.30am
Rosary in Local Cemeteries at 3pm each Sunday during the Month of November
Coffee Morning will take place in Boher Community Centre following 10am Mass on Sunday 1st December. Proceeds to Killinure National School Parents Association.
St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal 23rd 24th Nov. St Ailbes Conference cherish the generosity of the community for our Christmas appeal to help local families who are struggling to manage for whatever reason. Good toys in presentable packaging are also welcome. Contact Breda on 086 1652263
Maranatha Healing Retreat on today Sunday 17th November 2019 at 2.30 pm at St Paul’s Church, Dooradoyle, Limerick through the Ministry of Fr. John Walsh, Limerick and Eilish Carter, Nenagh. Mass 5 pm. All welcome.
Christmas Fair / Sale of Work: Bilboa National School will hold its annual Christmas Fair on Sunday 17th November at 2pm in the Community Centre, Cappamore. Our Christmas Fair has always proven to be a very enjoyable day out with a huge variety of competitions and entertainment to suit all ages. There is something for everyone: Wheel of Fortune, visit Santa in his grotto, coats & handbags stalls, bric-a-brac, cakes, toys, books, games, competitions, children’s entertainment, tea & cake and lots, lots more. All proceeds will go towards the development of the school.
Sliabh Feilim Singers Annual Christmas Concert will be held on 1st December at 4pm in Abington Church. We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of singing and music. Proceeds in aid of Milford Hospice.
Social Dance in Millennium Centre Caherconlish on Saturday 23rd November. Music by Unity. Tea served. Admission €10
The Murroe-Boher Annual Newsletter is at present under compilation. Each year there is a record of Births and Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths in the book. The only way of getting a list of each is from church records. Of course, there are more births, marriages and deaths which will not be recorded in this way or that maybe occurred outside of the parish but merit inclusion. Please send any details of births, marriages and deaths to if you wish to have them included in the annual list by Nov 24th.
Murroe-Boher Historical Society: Our next talk will take place at the Muintir na Tíre Hall, Murroe, on Thursday, November 21st at 8.30 pm sharp. Stephen Kinsella will speak to us on “Brexit and Limerick: What Next?”. Admission €5 to non-members. All welcome.
Lotto Results for 10/11/19 -14,23,29,32- No Winner. €20 Lucky Dips. Paddy O’Donnell, Cusack Kids, Mark Gough & Pat Mulcahy. Next week’s Jackpot €7,700 Draw in Pa McGrath’s
Murroe Boher Bord na nOg wish to announce that our AGM is now confirmed for Thursday 28th November at 20.30pm in Club pavilion. Nominations for officers must be received in writing to the Secretary before Thursday 21st November. We hope to see you all there
Badminton: every Monday in Doon Community Centre from 7 to 10pm and Thursday from 7.30 to 10.30pm, at €5 per person. Over 16’s. New members welcome
Murroe AFC Notes: Team news: The B team had a tough outing against Meanus in the league in their first game for many weeks going down by 4 goals to 1. The Youth U-18 Team had a fine win though in the FAI Youth Cup, winning 4-2 against Corbally Utd. The C teams fixture was postponed due to a bereavement in Shelbourne FC. This coming weekend on Sunday 17th November The A team take on Geraldines in the 3rd Round of the Munster Junior Cup away at 11am, The B team face Caherconlish away in the league, also at 11am, and the C team are away in the league against Caledonians also at 11am. Keep an eye on the club Facebook page and Twitter feeds for up to the minute fixtures and results!
Murroe AFC are running our own Christmas Draw this year, with lots of fabulous prizes! First prize €1,000, 2nd €250, 3rd-5th €100, 6th-10th €50, plus loads more spot prizes etc on the night. All of our club members now have tickets. We hope you can support the clubs efforts as always. Draw takes place on Sunday 8th December in the Valley Inn, Murroe. Tickets €5 each or a book of 6 for €25.
Coach still needed for the U-9 Boys, (born 2011), and the U-8 Girls, (born 2012-2013). If you’re interested in taking on a fun bunch of guys or girls, maybe a parent or a past player who wants to help out, contact any committee member, or message on Facebook or Twitter, or email The club will be able to help out with Training, Gear, etc, but need someone to volunteer.