Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Anniversaries: Murroe
Ryan and Bobby Cusack and
Jimmy Galligan 7pm this Saturday
Eileen O’Brien 9am this Sunday
Peggy Fitzgerald Months Mind and
Paddy and Patrick Owens and
Jimmy Coleman and
William and Bridget Maher and
Noreen Dee and
Ned O’Malley 11.30am this Sunday
James and Kathleen Doyle and
Mai O’Brien 7pm next Saturday
Tom, Eileen, Billy and Martin Grant 9am next Sunday
Mary Cooke Months Mind 11.30am next Sunday
John Finucane Months Mind and
Pat Carmody 10am this Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Elizabeth O’Connor
Murroe: Nora Lonergan 7pm. Michael O’Loughlin 9am Anthony Nevill 11.30am.
New Weekly Envelopes start next weekend 03/04 March. If you don’t get a box of envelopes and would like one, please contact Fr Brennan or Fr Ryan, or call to Sacristy in Murroe.
Congratulations to the 68 Girls and Boys from Murroe and Killinure Schools who received their Confirmation on Thursday.
St Vincent’s Centre, Lisnagry wish to thank all who contributed to their recent collection. Amount raised was €675. Special thanks to the collectors who braved the elements.
Church Windows Fundraising: Jimmy Buckley will perform in concert in Murroe Church on Sunday 4th March 2018. Tickets cost €20 each and are currently available in Post Office and Local shops in Murroe, and O’Neill’s and Pa McGrath’s in Boher.
Murroe/Boher Lourdes Invalid Fund will hold their Church Gate collection next weekend, 3rd & 4th March. Funds raised are used to send a local invalid to Lourdes
Cashel & Emly Lourdes Fundraising Draw: Tickets are now available and can be purchased locally from Liz Barron, Boher or Mary O’Brien, Murroe.
The Murroe Marian Club reopens this Wednesday 28th February 2018 at 7.30pm. The club meets every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm and new members are always welcome
Grinds in Maths, BIOLOGY, Science. Leaving Cert and Junior Cert. Experienced teacher. Excellent results. Call 087 243 5154
Murroe Tidy Towns are holding a Table Quiz on Friday 2nd March at 8pm in the Valley Inn. Table of 4 is €20. Raffle on the night with lots of spot prizes. Your support woud be very much appreciated.
Community First Responder Boher are holding their AGM on Wednesday 28th February, 8pm, in Boher Community Centre. Everyone with an interest in Community First Responders are encouraged to attend as there have been a number of changes since CFR Boher was set up in 2016. Even if you are not available as a volunteer, your experience could be very valuable to the smooth operation of CFR Boher.
Comfort Keepers are recruiting Carers in your area. Are you interested in becoming a carer? Come to our Open Day Tuesday 27th February in the Abbey Court Hotel Nenagh from 10am-3pm For more information please call 061-317712 Interviews will be held on the day. If Successful at interview, training will be held on the 12th and 13th March. If you are unable to attend the Open Day contact our office and we can arrange an interview with you.
A Coffee Morning will be held in Boher Community Centre after 10am Mass on Sunday 4th March. The funds raised will be used to send a number of students and teachers from St. Clement’s College to Zambia to participate in volunteer work for two weeks in March. This work will involve building, farming and community projects for the poor. We are raising funds to provide equipment to help these communities. Please help this worthy cause.
Doon community council are holding their annual monster table quiz in all five pubs, in Doon, on Friday the 9th of March, starting at 9.30pm. Table of 4, €20 per table. Raffle and spot prizes on the night.
Children Dance Classes, Set Dancing, Sean Nos, Waltzing, Line Dancing, Jive, etc in the Muintir na Tire Hall, Murroe on Tuesdays from 5 to 6 pm.
Lotto Results for 18/02/18- 4,7,29,30 – No Jackpot Winner. €20 Lucky dips Julie Morrissey, Danny O’Brien, Kathleen McGrath & Smirnoff. Next week’s Jackpot 5,300. Draw in Valley Inn
Murroe Boher Bord na nOg are delighted to announce that our U6’S are now back training at 11.00am in the new Astro Turf in Murroe Wood on Saturday mornings, €2 per child to help cover the cost of the rent, for any further details, please contact lead coaches Mike Crowe 083 0070212, Jer O’Sullivan 086 1728767, Sarah Bergin 087 6134134 or Aine Fogarty 086 3559385. Our u14’s are playing the next round of Feile at 16.00pm on Sunday 25th February at 16.00 V Clan na Gael, on the Astro Turf in Murroe Wood, all support welcome.
Murroe Boher Camogie Club: Katie Heelan, Edel Cunningham, Sinead McElligott, Megan Kiely and Karen Cunningham are part of the current Limerick Camogie minor team. We wish them well in the All Ireland Championship.