Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent Deaths: John (Jack) Mackey, Ballyvoureen. Reposing at Meehan’s Funeral Home, Cappamore this Sunday evening from 4pm to 6pm. Removal to Cappamore Church. Requiem Mass on Monday at 11.30am. Burial in Ballinure Cemetery.
Anniversaries: Murroe
Neil Ryan, his parents John and Breda and his brother Owen and
Mary and Jimmy Meehan and
Kitty and Willie O’Malley and
Patrick and Margaret Fleming 7pm this Saturday
Tony Maher and his Grandson Ben and
Margaret and Josephine Cahir 11.30am this Sunday
Paddy O’Brien and
Liam Maher 7pm next Saturday
Dan and Mary Ryan 10am this Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Eilish Bartley.
Murroe: Breda Fitzpatrick 7pm, Mary O’Brien 9am, Anthony Nevill 11.30am
Rosary will take place at 7pm in Murroe Church each Sunday during October
Masses for coming week: No morning Mass in Murroe and Boher this Monday. No morning Mass in Murroe on Wednesday. Vigil Mass in Murroe 7pm Wednesday evening. Masses on Thursday – Boher 10am. Murroe 9am and 11.30am.
SAFEGUARDING: The appropriate use of Social Media is a growing concern. The Archdiocese’s Safeguarding committee has issued guidance on the Use of Social Media for all Priests and volunteers working with young people in the Archdiocese. A copy of this can be found at and click the safeguarding tab.
MURROE-BOHER NEWSLETTER: Now is the time for clubs, organisations and individuals to be thinking about a contribution to the upcoming Murroe-Boher Christmas Newsletter. Photographs old and new would also be especially welcome and club reports, articles etc and photographs with names please can be emailed to
Coffee Morning will be held next Sunday 4th November after 11.30am Mass at the back of the Church in Murroe. A coffee morning will be held in Boher Community Centre following 10am Mass in Boher on Sunday 11th November. Funds collected will be used for the forthcoming Senior Citizens Party. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Date for your Diary: Sliabh Feilim Singers Annual Christmas concert will be held at 5pm on 2nd December in Abington Church, admission €10. Given the homelessness crisis, this year we have decided to give proceeds to Focus Ireland. We look forward to meeting you at our concert for an enjoyable evening of music and song.
Denis & Margaret Holmes would like to thank everyone who supported their recent coffee morning in aid of Milford Care Centre and to all those who helped out in any way. The amount raised was €1,800 which has been presented to Milford
Glenstal Woods Walk in loving memory of Kevin Hayes will take place next Saturday 3rd November at 11.00am. All funds raised will be donated to Heart House, the Mater Foundation. This is a 12k walk on forestry track and minor roadway. Walking boots recommended but may not be necessary depending on weather conditions. Parking in Murroe village and a shuttle service will take people to the start of the walk. Refreshments afterwards in the village hall. If you intend on taking part please text 087 2385547 or 085 7164082, to enable organisers gauge numbers for catering etc.
CFR-Boher: we are holding free training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of automated external defibrillator (AED) on Saturday, 17th November at 9.00. We especially welcome those who are interested in becoming CFR-Boher volunteers or are members of sports clubs, though this is not required. For further information please contact Ita Richardson at 087-6886536 or e-mail
Murroe/Boher Camogie Club: Best of luck to our minor team who play in the A Championship semi-final on Saturday at 4pm in Dromcollogher against Newcastle West, this promises to be a great game. On November 12th we will hold our AGM at 8pm in Murroe Clubhouse, all members, players and parents are asked to attend. This Saturday (27th) our monthly clothes collection will take place from 7.30 – 8pm in Murroe Clubhouse, all donations greatly appreciated.
Murroe AFC Notes: A good weekend on the field last weekend. The A team took on Holycross in the FAI Junior Cup and were deserved 1-0 winners after a tight affair. the B team and the C team had no fixtures. This weekend its back to league action for the A team when they take on Castle Rovers in Fedamore on Sunday at 10:30am. The B team and C team have no fixtures. Keep an eye on the club’s Facebook Page for up to date fixtures and results.
The annual Murroe AFC fundraising draw, in association with the FAI is on again. There’s a fantastic range of prizes for both the National and the Local draws as always. Tickets have just been released and are priced at €10 or a book of 5 for €50. Tickets are available from all coaches, players, and committee members from this weekend. The Local draw will take place on the 3rd November in the Valley Inn, with the National draw in the middle of November.
Murroe AFC’s book “Murroe AFC The First 50 Years 1968-2018”is still available to purchase at Spar, and English’s. The book is a fabulous record of the story of the first 50 years of soccer in Murroe, and is available at a price of €15. Now that the nights are getting longer and you’ll be settling in by the fire, you’ll need a good read!