Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Anniversaries: Murroe
Tom Holmes 9am this Sunday
All those laid to rest in Abington Cemetery 11.30am this Sunday
Lizzie and Denis Hayes and
Denis and Nonie White 11.30am next Sunday
Maureen and Paddy Hourigan Mass Offered
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Des Duffy.
Murroe: Evelyn Lorigan 7pm, Josie Meade 9am, Breda Berkery 11.30am
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 5th August. Coach departs from Murroe Church at 8am, Boher 8.15am. Fare €20. For details and booking contact Helen P.O. 061 386101, Nonie 061 386318 or Phyllis 061 386258.
Murroe Community Council: The questionnaire concerning the need for a community car to aid people in our parish in getting to their medical/hospital appointments is being distributed as widely as we can manage. It is vital that we get feedback (i.e. people who are in need of such a service returning the filled forms to the address given) in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining such a service. If you do not receive a form through your letterbox, there are copies available in the church, post office, Sean English Shop and the Spar Shop. We are required to complete the survey before mid-August hence the need to get people to return the forms by August 6th.
Cliona’s Foundation 11th Annual Cycle will take place on Sat 25th August at Bruff Rugby Club, Kilballyown, Bruff, Co. Limerick. Again, there are three routes – 90 k (over 18’s) departing at 10 am; 40k also departing at 10 am and Kiddies/Family 10k which will be the first off at 9:45 am. Registration from 8:30 am, adults CI €20, non CI €25, and family €30. Online registration at BBQ, bouncy castle etc. Any queries contact Trevor 086 – 827 6381 / Brendan 087 – 2518 949.
Murroe AFC Notes: Ladies Team: The Murroe Ladies fell to a defeat in the Open Cup against Regional Utd during the week. The Mens A team were beaten in the QF of the Rearcross Tournament by a Doon/Donohill combined team, while the Mens B Team saw off Newport B and meet Rearcross in the Tournament Semi Final this week.
Pre-season: The Mens teams have just started back with their pre-season training recently, so if you’re interested in joining up, there’s the A team, (Div 1A), B Team (Div 3A), and C Team (Div 4B) of the Limerick District League. Contact the club on
Management Position: The committee are still seeking applications from anyone interested in the management position for the Mens A team for the coming season, (LDL Div 1A). Anyone interested contact or any committee member.
Murroe AFC’s new book “Murroe AFC The First 50 Years 1968-2018”is now available to purchase at The Valley Inn, Spar, and English’s. The book is a fabulous record of the story of the first 50 years of soccer in Murroe, and is available at a price of €15.
Reflection: We all love a good meal. We look forward to any meal, specially if it is one that celebrates a special occasion or event. People gather, there is food and drink; there may be singing dancing; stories are told and memories are created. Meals bring people together.
Meals, food and celebrating are a central theme and message of readings this Sunday. We are told that Elisha, a man of God, is brought bread, the first fruits, twenty barely loaves and fresh grain.’ On receiving all this food, he asks that it is given away to feed the people. But those with him asked how such little food will feed so many people. Again he insists that the food is share out saying, ‘the Lord says this, they will eat and some left over.’ The food was served, everyone had plenty to eat and there was food left over.
This scene is repeated in the gospel. After Jesus has spoken to the people and healed those who were sick; Jesus asked his disciples to feed the crowd. They said that it would cost far too much to feed to such a large crowd. But Andrew said that there was a boy who had a five loaves of bread and two fish with him. But again the disciples questioned how such little food would feed so many. Jesus took the food, blest it, gave thanks to God for it and shared it out so that everyone present had more than enough to eat. This miracle shows us the generosity, bountifulness of God. As the Psalm Twenty Three reminds us; the Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want… the Lord has prepare a banquet for me..’
When we gather to celebrate the Eucharist with each other, we experience the love and generosity that God has for each of us. We present God with simple and ordinary bread and wine. God accepts, blesses them and through the power of the Holy Spirit they are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Then they are freely given back to us by God to feed, nourish and strengthen us.
This week, let us offer God our lives so that we too will changed and transformed in ways we can’t even imagine. (Michael Moore OMI)