Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent Deaths: Sr. Ignatius O’Connor who died in the UK, formerly Sandylane
Anniversaries: Murroe
Paddy O’Brien and
Liam Maher 7pm this Saturday
Deceased members of the Hayes Family and
Bridgit Minihan 9am next Sunday
Ríaín McEvoy and
Noreen, Edward, Thomas and Wayne Casey 11.30 next Sunday
Laurence Broughton Months Mind and
Paddy and Bridget Skehan 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Marie O’Flynn.
Murroe: Evelyn Lorigan 7pm, Josie Meade 9am, Breda White 11.30am
Rosary in Local Cemeteries at 3pm each Sunday during the Month of November
Do This in Memory next Sunday 11th Nov, Boher 10am, Murroe 11.30am
MURROE-BOHER NEWSLETTER: Now is the time for clubs, organisations and individuals to be thinking about a contribution to the upcoming Murroe-Boher Christmas Newsletter. Photographs old and new would also be especially welcome and club reports, articles etc and photographs with names please can be emailed to
Coffee Morning will be held in Boher Community Centre following 10am Mass in Boher on Sunday 11th November. Funds collected will be used for the forthcoming Senior Citizens Party. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Scoil Mhuire Murroe will hold its Annual Church Gate collection next weekend 10/11th November outside both Church’s.
Murroe Marian Club, will hold a Monster 45 Drive in the Muintir na Tíre Hall, Murroe, on Tuesday 13th November at 8pm sharp. Spot prizes galore! Teas served. Admission €6.
The Mid-West Branch of the Parkinson’s Association wish to thank all who contributed to their recent collection. Total raised was €700
Date for your Diary: Sliabh Feilim Singers Annual Christmas concert will be held at 5pm on 2nd December in Abington Church, admission €10. Given the homelessness crisis, this year we have decided to give proceeds to Focus Ireland. We look forward to meeting you at our concert for an enjoyable evening of music and song.
Social Dance in Millennium Centre Caherconlish, on Saturday 10th October. Tea Served. Admission €10. Great night guaranteed.
Lotto Results for 29/10/18 -3,18,20,22- No Jackpot Winner. €50 Lucky Dips Patrick Wrenn, Tom Ryan (Smith Snr), Joan Carey. €20 Lucky Dips Noel Foley, Anne O’Connell, Donal O’Brien & Eugene Taaffe. Next week’s Jackpot €2,300 Draw in Powers
CFR-Boher: we are holding free training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of automated external defibrillator (AED) on Saturday, 17th November at 9.00. We especially welcome those who are interested in becoming CFR-Boher volunteers or are members of sports clubs, though this is not required. For further information please contact Ita Richardson at 087-6886536 or e-mail
Boher Community Development Association: Progressive 45 will commence in Boher Community Centre on Friday 9 November at 8pm sharp. All welcome!
Cappamore Christmas Fair: Bilboa National School will hold its annual Christmas Fair on Sunday 18th November at 2pm in the Community Centre, Cappamore. Our Christmas Fair has always proven to be a very enjoyable day out with a huge variety of competitions and entertainment to suit all ages. There is something for everyone: Wheel of Fortune, visit Santa in his grotto, coats & handbags stalls, bric-a-brac, cakes, toys, books, games, competitions, children’s entertainment, tea & cake, a signed and framed Limerick Jersey raffled on the day and lots, lots more. All proceeds will go towards the development of the school.
Murroe/Boher Camogie Club: Hard luck to our minor camogie team who lost their county semi-final last weekend to a very strong Newcastle West team. This brings an end to the playing season for our club. We want to thank all our players, coaches and supporters over the past year and we look forward to next year and what promises to be another great season for the club. Our thanks to everyone who came to support our table quiz last Friday which was greatly supported by the whole community. November 12th will see our AGM take place at 8pm in Murroe Clubhouse. All members, supporters and players are asked to attend.
Murroe Boher Bord na nOg, held our annual Church gate collection last weekend, and we are delighted to announce that we collected €796.93, and we are very grateful for all those who contributed to this collection.
Murroe AFC Notes: Team News: A good weekend on the field again last weekend. The A team took on Castle Rovers in Fedamore once again, (in the league this time), and came out on top in a thriller on a scoreline of 4-3. the B team and the C team had no fixtures. No fixtures this weekend as the FAI Cup Final is on at the Aviva Stadium.
The annual Murroe AFC fundraising draw, in association with the FAI is on again. There’s a fantastic range of prizes for both the National and the Local draws as always. Tickets have just been released and are priced at €10 or a book of 5 for €50. Tickets are available from all coaches, players, and committee members from this weekend. The Local draw will take place on the 3rd November in the Valley Inn, with the National draw in the middle of November.
Murroe AFC’s book “Murroe AFC The First 50 Years 1968-2018”is still available to purchase at Spar, and English’s. The book is a fabulous record of the story of the first 50 years of soccer in Murroe and is available at a price of €15. Now that the nights are getting longer, and you’ll be settling in by the fire, you’ll need a good read!