Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Anniversaries: Murroe
Lizzie and Denis Hayes and
Denis and Nonie White 11.30am this Sunday
Paddy and Bridget Lynch and
Catherine Ryan and
Robbie Hogg 7pm next Saturday
Bridget Mulcahy 11.30am next Sunday
Angela O’Gorman 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Kathleen Walters.
Murroe: Nora Lonergan 7pm, Suzanne Barron 9am, Margaret Holmes 11.30am
Masses for coming week: No Mass this Monday in Boher and Murroe
Bus for Papal Mass: It is hoped to run a Bus for the upcoming Papal Mass in Phoenix Park Dublin on Sunday 26th August. As driving to the venue will be severely restricted, it may be in your interest to travel as a group by bus. If you are interested in travelling on the Bus, please give your name to Breda Byrnes on 087 6477536 as soon as possible. There will be a fee for the Bus which will be determined later.
A Coffee Morning will be held on Sunday next 12 August, following 10am Mass in Boher at Boher Community Centre and 11.30am Mass in Murroe outside Church, to raise funds for Fr Tommy Laffan’s project in Kenya. We hope you will support our coffee morning.
Murroe Community Council: The questionnaire concerning the need for a community car to aid people in our parish in getting to their medical/hospital appointments is being distributed as widely as we can manage. It is vital that we get feedback (i.e. people who are in need of such a service returning the filled forms to the address given) in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining such a service. If you do not receive a form through your letterbox, there are copies available in the church, post office, Sean English Shop and the Spar Shop. We are required to complete the survey before mid-August hence the need to get people to return the forms by August 6th.
Boher Community Development Association presented a cheque of €3k to Terry Ring, Cliona’s Foundation, last Wednesday night. This was the proceeds from our Charity Cycle. Terry Ring thanked the Boher CDA and those who took park in the Charity Cycle for this very generous donation.
Boher Community Development Association are requesting members of the community to join them in a clean-up of the Community Centre and Church grounds on Tuesday next, 7 August at 7pm, starting at Boher Community Centre.
Cliona’s Foundation 11th Annual Cycle will take place on Sat 25th August at Bruff Rugby Club, Kilballyown, Bruff, Co. Limerick. Again, there are three routes – 90 k (over 18’s) departing at 10 am; 40k also departing at 10 am and Kiddies/Family 10k which will be the first off at 9:45 am. Registration from 8:30 am, adults CI €20, non CI €25, and family €30. Online registration at BBQ, bouncy castle etc. Any queries contact Trevor 086 – 827 6381 / Brendan 087 – 2518 949.
Murroe AFC Notes: Team updates: the Mens B Team were eventually knocked out of the Rearcross Tournament at the Semi Final stage this week after a thrilling penalty shootout with the sides having finished 3-3.
Pre-season: The Mens teams have started back with their pre-season training recently, The A team management position has been filled by a team of Pat O’Grady, Philip Clancy, and Davy Holmes. Best wishes to them and all of the management and players of all of our teams for the season ahead. If you’re interested in joining up, there’s the A team, (Div 1A), B Team (Div 3A), and C Team (Div 4B) of the Limerick District League. Contact the club on
Murroe AFC’s new book “Murroe AFC The First 50 Years 1968-2018” is now available to purchase at The Valley Inn, Spar, and English’s. The book is a fabulous record of the story of the first 50 years of soccer in Murroe, and is available at a price of €15.
GOING FOR GOLD: Cappamore Tidy Towns has been shortlisted for the Limerick Going for Gold Challenge Category 2018. This category has a top prize of €10,000 with additional runners up prizes. A live interview with Live 95 FM’s Limerick today Show is a key part of this category. The Cappamore interview is scheduled for Thursday 2 August at 11.00a.m. You can vote for Cappamore by going to the Limerick going for gold on Live 95 FM web site. There is NO COST to the voter. You can only vote between 12 noon and 12 midnight on Thursday 2 August.