Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent Deaths: Eugene O’Malley, Madaboy, Murroe
Anniversaries: Murroe
James Humphreys and
Pat and Nora Ryan 7pm this Saturday
Mary, Harry and Tommy Coleman and
Mike and Mary Holmes and
Marie Joyce 11.30am this Sunday
Deceased members of the Owens Family, Glenstal 10am this Monday
Pat Gleeson 7pm next Saturday
Breda O’Brien 11.30am next Sunday
Celest Bartley 10am this Sunday
Bartholomew and Eileen Hanley 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Pat Madigan.
Murroe: Elizabeth Power-Lynch 7pm, Willie Carey 9am, Breda White 11.30am
The AGM of Murroe Community Council will be held this Monday September 10th, 2018 at 7.30pm in the Fitzgerald Room, Muintir na Tire Hall. All are welcome.
PROLIFE would like to thank all who contributed so generously to the Church Gate collection last Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd September. The sum collected was €544.80. There will be a special meeting on Monday 10th September at 8pm in the Greenhills Hotel and all are welcome. See the posters in the Church Porch.
MULCAIR MEN’S SHED OPEN DAY – this Sunday, 9th September from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. All welcome
🎶🎶 Choirs resume practice on Thursday 13th September. Juniors 5.00 to 6.00 pm in sacristy, Seniors 8.00 to 9.30 pm in sacristy. New members welcome to both choirs. Contact Marian 086 8885619 🎶🎶
Tractor Run will take place on Sunday next 16th September. This year the collection will go to Down Syndrome Limerick and Murroe Church Window repairs. Donation buckets will be available on the day.
Painting Art Classes resuming in Murroe hall on Thursday the 20th of Sept from 7-9pm. No experience is needed. Absolute beginners are very welcome. 12 weeks. €15 Euro pay as you go weekly. Some materials and refreshments supplied, just please bring your own acrylic paints and brushes. Please text Jenny on 085-7237256, email or look for Jennifer Lynch artist on Facebook to book a place
Craobh Pheig Uí Riain (Murroe/Cappamore Comhaltas) will host music singing and Irish classes again for the coming year. Registration will take place on Monday 10th September from 6pm to 7pm at Scoil Chaitríona Cappamore. Regular classes will then commence on Monday 17th September at 6.20 pm to 8.50 Scoil Chaitríona Cappamore. Tuition is given by very experienced teachers and students are prepared for SCT exams run by Comhaltas along with Fleadh Cheoil competitions. All traditional instruments are taught including Tin Whistle, Flute, Fiddle, Concertina, Button Accordion, Banjo, Bodhrán. Classes are suitable for beginners, improvers and advanced levels. There will be classes in both Irish and English singing and also conversational Irish language. Enquiries to 061 381269 or 061 381414
Denis Holmes will hold a Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice in their showrooms on FRIDAY 21st September 10am – 2pm. Everyone Welcome to this very worthy fundraiser.
TABLE QUIZ Boher Community Development Association will hold a Table Quiz Friday, 21 September at 8.30 pm in Pa McGrath’s, Boher. All proceeds will go towards the upgrade of Boher Community Centre which is in progress at the moment. All support for this worthy cause would be very much appreciated. Great night promised, lots of spot prizes.
Boher Parish Calendar 2019 Boher Parish Calendar project team will be producing a parish calendar again for 2019. All members of the community are invited to submit photos for consideration. Old or modern photos will be accepted and can be related to a number of topics: historical interest, landscape, parish events, etc. Photos can be given to any of the Community Development Association members. Photos will be scanned/copied and originals will be returned within 5 days.
The Valley Golf Society held its annual Captain’s Prize, at Ballykisteen Golf Club, in glorious sunshine, on 01/09/18. Results as follows; 5th place PJ Joyce – 37pts. 4th place Tom Ryan – 39pts. 3rd place Brian Quinn – 41pts. 2nd place Jerry Doherty – 41 pts (back9). 1st Darren Dunlea – 43 pts. Thanks to everyone involved and for the large turnout on the day. Next outing is on the 13/10/18, in Tipperary Golf Club at 11 am.
Murroe AFC Notes: Team news: The A team lost out by a goal to nil to both Moyross Utd and Mungret Regional in the past week. Injuries are a problem at the moment with the games coming thick and fast. With injured players returning the tide will turn for sure. The B team had a fine 6-1 win over Abbey Rovers, the C team lost out on a score line of 3-1 to local rivals Lisnagry. The ladies team had a well earned 2-2 draw against Listowel Celtic.
Remember, Murroe AFC-The First 50 Years, the clubs fabulous history book is still on sale at English’s and Spar. Priced at €15.