Murroe/Boher Newsletter 10/11 Sep 2016
Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Anniversaries: Murroe
Marie Joyce and
Sean Hayes 7pm Mass this Saturday
Michael Carroll 11.30am Mass this Sunday
Deceased members of Owens family, Glenstal 10am Mass next Friday
Mairead Hayes Months Mind and
Pat Gleeson and
Breda O’Brien 7pm Mass next Saturday
Paddy O’Brien and Deceased members of
the O’Brien family 11.30am Mass next Sunday
Celeste Bartley 10am Mass this Sunday
Daniel Foley 10am Mass next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers next weekend: Boher: Kathleen Walters 10am Murroe: Evelyn Lorigan 7pm, Noreen Keane 9am, Breda Berkery 11.30am
Masses for coming week: Boher – Tuesday and Thursday.
Murroe – Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Denis & Margaret Holmes will hold a Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice in their showrooms on Thursday next 15th September 10am – 2pm, All Welcome
6th Annual Tractor Run will take place on Sunday 18th September, meeting in Crokers car park at 12md. All proceeds to Cappamore Day Care Centre. There will be special visitors on the day and a few surprises, details to follow!!
Ever wanted to learn how to paint or take up a new hobby? Art classes beginning Thursday 22nd of September 2016 in Muintir na tire hall, Murroe from 7-9. €15 euro, some materials will be supplied but please bring your own paints (acrylic or oils) and brushes. Beginners most welcome, no painting experience needed. Please text or ring Jennifer Lynch on 085-7237256 or email to confirm attendance.
Murroe Field Project: On Sunday 18th September the Murroe Field Project will be launched in conjunction with the Tractor Run. RTE Nationwide will be here filming the event from 11am. The launch and beginning of the Tractor Run will be at 1pm. All are welcome.
CHOIRS RESUME on Thurs 15th. Junior Choir practice – 5.00 – 6.00 pm. Senior Choir practice – 8.00 – 9.30pm in the church. New members welcome
YOU’RE INVITED! LCFE East Limerick Campus Cappamore, Tues Sept 13th September 11am-1pm. Please come along to find out about a wide range of full and part-time courses for this Autumn; Computers for Beginners & Advanced, DIY, Art, Child Development & Play, Health & Nutrition, Introduction to Welding, Horticulture, Health & Beauty, Explore Your Options- Job seeking skills, WRAP – Wellness Recovery Action Plan. Contact: Ballyhoura Development Cappamore 061 387040
Murroe/Cappamore Comhaltas will host music and singing classes again for the coming year. Registration will take place on 12th September from 6pm to 7pm at Scoil Chaitríona Cappamore. Regular classes will then commence on Monday 19th September at 6.20 pm to 8.30 Scoil Chaitríona Cappamore. Tuition is given by very experienced teachers and students are prepared for SCT exams run by Comhaltas along with Fleadh Cheoil competitions. All traditional instruments are taught including Tin Whistle, Flute, Fiddle, Concertina, Piano Accordion, Button Accordion and Banjo etc. There is a class in both Irish and English singing also. Enquiries to 061 381269 or 061 381414
Boher Community Development Association: Boher Community Alert Committee will hold it AGM on Friday the 30th September at 8 pm in Boher Community Centre. All welcome to attend. Progressive 45 will commence on Friday 7 October at 8pm.
Table Quiz: Boher Community Development Association will hold a Table Quiz on Friday, 23 September at 8 pm in Pa McGrath’s, Boher, to raise funds for the maintenance and up-keep of Boher Community Centre. €5 per person, table of 4 – €20. Winners will receive generous cash prizes. A very enjoyable night is promised. Spot prizes are welcomed and can be donated to any committee member.
The Doon 10k/5k run/walk takes place this Sunday Sept 11th in Doon at 1.30 (Registration starts at 12noon) in memory of little Darragh O Brien and all proceeds to East Limerick Red Cross. Queries to 085 8801655 or find us on Facebook Darraghs Red Cross Run.
Patricia Gleeson has been invited to travel to Austria as a volunteer for the Special Olympics World Winter Games in March 2017. As part of her fundraising, Patricia has organised a Bag Packing event in the Tesco store in the Crescent Shopping centre on Saturday 15th October. Time 10-6. If anyone would like to help out on the day, please contact Patricia on 086 8866495. Your support on the day would be very much appreciated.
Murroe Boher Camogie: Our intermediate team had a hard fought win over Crecora last weekend and on Friday night played Bruff in their last group game. Semi-finals will take place on September 18th. During the week our minors and U16 teams came out on top in their games. The U16s have now topped their group and will play Galbally in a county semi-final on Friday 16th at 6.30pm in Boher. Our young stars take to the pitch in the Gaelic Grounds on Sunday at half time in the senior hurling championship game between Murroe/Boher and Patrickswell at 2pm. Best of luck to Laurie Quaid, Aoibhe Butler and Jayne Ryan who travel to Dublin with the Limerick U14 development squad for the All-Ireland Blitz. This weekend sees the All-Ireland camogie finals take place in Croke Park, tune into RTE1 at 2pm on Sunday to see the intermediate final while the senior final takes place at 4pm, a great opportunity to see the best camogie players in the country. Best of luck to all teams in upcoming games.
Murroe AFC Notes. This Sunday Murroe Ladies will make a little bit of history when the senior ladies team contest the Div 1 cup final v Listowel at the MARKETS FIELD at 2pm. This is the 1st ladies match at the spiritual home of soccer in Limerick in over 40 years and we are asking as many people as possible to come along and support the girls. Tickets for the new soccer draw available from any club member.