Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent Deaths: Patrick Hegarty, Mayo and London
Anniversaries: Murroe
Timmy Ward and Michael O’Brien and
Tom Holmes 9am this Sunday
Senan McMahon and deceased members of both McMahon families and
Paddy, Liam and Peggy Hickey 11.30am this Sunday
Molly Power 7pm next Saturday
Kevin Hayes Months Mind 11.30am next Sunday
Mary O’Connor and Noelle Kirschner 10am this Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher Liz Barron 10am.
Murroe: Evelyn Lorigan 7pm. Suzanne Barron 9am. Kathryn Buckley 11.30am
Masses for Coming Week: Boher – Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am.
Murroe – Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am
Cemetery Masses: Abington, Sunday 30th July at 11.30am.
Cashel & Emly Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 6th August. Bus from outside Church 8am Murroe, Boher at 8.15. Fare €20, Children €5. Contact Helen Ryan, Post Office, Murroe – Liz Barron, Boher – Nonie 386318 or Phyllis 386258. Please give names as soon as possible.
Irish Heart Foundation will hold its Annual Church gate Collection on weekend of 29/30 July in Murroe and Boher.
Experienced Childminder available in Boher to mind children in her own home. Also from September, Monday to Friday, drop off and pick up after school for Killinure NS. Contact Bernadette 087 4027178.
Childminder Wanted: Looking for kind, caring and reliable person to take care of Boy/Girl twins (11 months) in own home (Murroe area). Two days per week, starting Mid-September. Contact 087 2991399 or 061 625785
Lotto Results: Results 9/7/17 -6,14,21,24- No Jackpot Winner. €20 Lucky dips Willie Walsh, Siobhan Flannery, Audrey Quinn & John O’Loughlin. Next Week’s Jackpot €2,100 in The Valley Inn
Social Dance in Millennium Centre Caherconlish, on Saturday 22nd July. Music by Chris Dallat. Tea Served. Admission €10. Great night guaranteed.
Boher Community Development Association made a presentation to two charities last Wednesday night, at Boher Community Centre. €3k was raised from the Boher Charity Cycle in June. €1,500 each was presented to Terry Ring, Cliona’s Foundation and John Sheridan on behalf of the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation. Terri and John thanked the members of Boher Community Development Association for organising the Charity Cycle and to those who took part in the Cycle.
Murroe-Boher Historical Society is pleased to announce that its annual excursion will take place on Saturday, July 29. Touring the Burren region this year, we will visit: Dysart O’Dea, Kilinaboy/Lemanagh, Kilfenora, Carran-Michael Cusack Centre, Caherconnell Fort and Poulnabrone Dolmen, Corcamroe Abbey and Kilmaduagh Abbey. We will have our evening meal in either New Quay or Kinvarra and there will be other stops for lunch and refreshments. The bus will leave Murroe Church at 8.30 a.m. sharp. The charge is €20 for the bus (free to members). This charge does not include entry to the various sites and attractions or meals. To book your place, please contact Tom Holmes 086 3642673 or Gráinne Keays 086 8342734. All welcome.
Maranatha Prayer Ministry invites you to our Maranatha Healing Retreat and Family Tree Mass on today Sunday, 16th July 2017 at 2.30pm at St. Pauls Church, Dooradoyle, Limerick through the Ministry of Fr. Andrezj, Limerick and with beautiful Spirit Filled Praise and Worship Music and Song, Confessions, Talk, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Talk, Mass and Adoration and Laying on of hands for healing. Tea after in hall. All welcome…
This year the Milford Hospice Annual Harvest Fair celebrates its 32nd anniversary and is scheduled for Sunday 27th August at the University of Limerick. There will be a fun filled programme of activities and entertainment. Items such as plants, bottles for the bottle stall, and homemade cakes along with new items for the Wheel of Fortune will be accepted on the day only. All other goods such as toys, fancy goods are being accepted at the Hospice from the 14th August 2017. For further details, please contact the Fundraising Office on: 061 485859/201758.
Murroe Boher Camogie Club: Best of luck to Megan Kiely and Hazel Hourigan who will tog out for the county U16 team as they face Dublin in O’Toole Park, Crumlin at 2.30pm on Sunday in the second round of the All Ireland series. Best of luck also to Edel Cunningham and Katie Heelan who will play for the county minor team who play Tipperary in the first round of the Munster Championship in Tipperary on Wednesday (19th July), fixture TBC. Well done to our U10s who travelled to Mungret last Saturday for a brilliant day of camogie which our girls really enjoyed – thanks to all in Mungret for organising a great day. The Limerick county Camogie teams played after the cluster blitz with all age groups up to minor taking the field – well done to all our girls who took part in these games.
Murroe Boher Ladies Football – Our Gaelic 4 Mothers and Others hosted Araglin G4Ms on Friday night in Boher with the locals winning a very competitive but sporting, enjoyable match by a point! Everyone enjoyed refreshments in the hall afterwards. Our Senior ladies due to play Feohanagh Castlemahon in the next round of the Championship. All our u14/16 due back training for their Championship this week. Full updates on club Facebook page, new players contact Noel 0868109682 or pm FB page.