Parish Clergy: Fr Loughlin Brennan Fr. Tom Ryan
Tel. 386227 Mobile 087 9814051 Tel. 352223 Mobile 087 6291557
Recent deaths: Winnie Rainsford, Newport, late of Cappanahanna, Murroe.
Sr Stanislaus Moriarity, Sussex, England, late of Barringtons Bridge
Josephine Cahir, Kishyquirk. Reposing at Meehan’s Funeral Home, Cappamore, this Monday evening 30th October from 6 p.m. with removal at 7.30 p.m. to St. Nicholas’ Church, Boher. Requiem Mass on Tuesday 31st October at 11.30 a.m., burial afterwards in Abington Cemetery.
Anniversaries: Murroe
Paddy O’Brien and
Mai Fitzgerald and
Patrick and Margaret Fleming and
Kitty and Willie O’Malley and
Mary and Jimmy Meehan 7pm this Saturday
Liam Maher 7pm next Saturday
Tony Maher and Grandson Ben 11.30am next Sunday
Paul Reilly Months Mind 10am next Sunday
May They Rest in Peace
Eucharistic Ministers Next Weekend: Boher: Laurence Bartley 10am.
Murroe: Breda Fitzpatrick 7pm. Suzanne Barron 9am. Breda White 11.30am
Masses for coming week: Boher: No morning Mass on Monday. Tuesday, 11.30am.(Funeral Mass) Wednesday 10am. Thursday & Friday 9.30am.
Murroe: No morning Mass Monday and Tuesday. Vigil Mass Tuesday 7pm. Wednesday 9am & 11.30am. Thursday and Friday 10am.
First Communion Enrolment for Murroe N.S. has been re-scheduled for Sunday 12th November at 11.30am Mass in Murroe
MURROE-BOHER ANNUAL NEWSLETTER 2017: It’s that time of year when clubs, organisations, article writers and people with photos of interest should be thinking of their contribution to this year’s annual newsletter. Please submit, by email as soon as possible. This year’s deadline will be the 1st of November at the latest. The e-mail address to send items to is
Lotto Results 22/10/17 -9,22,25,30-No Jackpot Winner. €20 Lucky dips Pa Ryan, Mary Blackwell, Kathleen & Biddy(Valley) & Caoimhe Fitzpatrick. Next Week’s Jackpot €3,600 in The Valley Inn
Progressive 45 Boher Community Centre every Friday night at 8pm.
Addiction and Mental Health. Murroe Community Council are hosting a Public Information and Awareness Evening on Thursday 2nd Nov at 7.30 PM in Muintir Na Tire Hall Murroe. There will be informative presentations by our local services on these topics and time for a chat over a cuppa afterwards.
OPEN NIGHT – Scoil na Tríonóide Naofa. Inviting all 6th Class Students along with their Parents/Guardians to our Open Night, on Tuesday, 7th November 2017 at 7.00pm regarding Enrolment for September 2018. Closing date for Enrolment is Friday, 17th November 2017.
University Maternity Hospital Limerick holds its annual remembrance service at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Ennis Road, Limerick, on Sunday, November 5th (3pm). We invite parents who have experienced the death of their baby/pregnancy loss at any stage, together with their family, friends and hospital staff to this service.
CFR Boher has now retrained all its original members. We welcome our five new volunteers. If you require the assistance of a CFR Member – phone 999 if your call relates to heart attack, chest pain, stroke or choking and the National Ambulance Service with contact the CFR Boher member on call. Anybody interested joining CFR Boher, please email
Digital Skills for Citizens Training is continuing in Cappamore Campus. We have a number of places available for the course on Tuesday 31st October 10am – 12. We are also starting a course on Monday 6th November 7pm – 9. To book a place please contact the Ballyhoura Development office at 061 381174/387042
Murroe Boher Camogie Club: Well done to our minor team who had two great wins over Doon and Ballybrown in the championship during the week, unfortunately their last group game has been cancelled and our girls will top their group and head into a semi-final which is due to be played next Sunday (November 5th) with fixture TBC. Our club will be taking orders for club gear for Christmas, deadline is November 8th. Sample sizes will be available Monday 30th October from 5-6pm in Murroe Clubhouse and Saturday 4th November 5-6pm in Boher Community Centre, more information on our Facebook page.
Murroe AFC Notes. Our annual soccer draw will take place this year in November at the Valley Inn Murroe. This year we are promoting the FAI draw which will give each participant 3 chances to win. There will be a National Draw, a Munster draw and all tickets sold locally by Murroe AFC will be entered into a local draw also (similar to the Christmas draw) There is an incredible prize fund including 4 ford fiesta cars 1 for each province, holidays, trips to soccer games, X-Boxes, mobile phones, vouchers, match tickets and many more. In addition to this the club will run a local draw also where all tickets bought for the National/Regional draw will be entered again for a super prize fund. The National draw takes place on November 22nd at the Aviva Stadium and our local draw will be prior to this. The Clubs local draw with a super prize fund of Cash, Ireland match tickets, Hampers and much more will take place on the 4th of November. Please support this, our main fundraiser for 2017 Tickets are €10 each with books of 5 for €50. With 4 Cars, trips to Champions league final, IPADS, IPODS, Mobile Phones Weekends away and much much more it is the draw to be in this year. 3 chances to win with every ticket bought. Tickets are available from players and committee members. Or phone Noel on 086-8109682 or Jimmy on 087-2334561 to enquire.