We are all looking for something more, especially at this time of they year – more money, more success, more happiness…we often take this urge literally and try to satisfy it with more stuff or even another spiritual theory.
I am by nature a spiritual forager or some might say a spiritual junkie – a soul tourist – attracted to explore the inner life but not wanting to be challenged by it – wanting to avoid the discomfort – constantly looking for something new, switching from one theory to another – constantly seeking but never finding.
It is easy to be seduced by the latest product in the supermarket of spiritual exercises and there is a huge range to choose from and they tend to be linear 7/8/9 step programs each with its own methodology. Many of these programs are externalist and keep us outside oneself – lost in the wilderness of mechanical, spiritual programs. They can become ends in themselves – and separate me from myself – substituting another activity for the one thing necessary – love!
Perhaps we need to settle and stop wandering from church to church from guru to guru, from theory to theory – searching for a formula outside myself to fill up what is missing inside myself.
The truth is I don’t need to go anywhere to find the God that waits within. I need to pursue the centre of life which is behind every system – I am the distance between God and me. We must seek God in the right places – within the sanctuary of the centred self.