Thought for the Week – Remaining close to Nature

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When the plough was invented in neolithic times, the straight line became necessary and so Neolithic people began to shape the landscape. They made square fields – for when you plough you need to go in straight lines. Having invented the square for ease of agriculture the next step was a square house. This may have altered our way of looking at the universe.

Straight lines are rare in nature and right angles are practically non existent…the earth is a globe and so are the planets.

When we began to think and feel in straight lines we took a big leap towards separating ourselves from nature- to feel that we were not a part of nature but something different.

Until the white man came, the Bantu tribe in Africa did not have a plough.  Cultivation was done by women once the men had cleared the ground using fire. They used a simple hoe or digging stick. The shape of the area didn’t matter and they had no need for straight lines or corners. In Africa everything is a circle – their cultivated land, their huts, pots and they remain closer to nature.

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Thought for the Week – Perfectionism

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Perfectionism is the story of our times and channels much of what we do  – from the search for the perfect home, the perfect partner, the perfect body, striving to be the perfect monk, the perfect woman – our culture packages and sells it effectively …skinny, thin, beautiful,  great relationship, work is great too,  life is perfect – it conforms to the all the norms.
This striving for perfection, conforming to the standard of this world, makes us ill at heart – we loose touch with our truth and become like everyone else – with our many dull vices – the general, the ordinary rotten mud of human meanness and cowardice and cruelty and evil and hate- we are all the same. Saints resist this temptation – they are virtuous – unique – in touch with their truth.  It is in their virtues that saints are original – hating what is evil, holding fast to what is good, ardent in spirit, offering hospitality to strangers.
It is in our virtues that we are original and unique  – virtues are particular, vices are general. We too can become saints – in touch with our truth  – but truth is a risk that most of us find hard to face.
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Thought for the Week – be filled with enthusiasm.

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‘Nothing great was every achieved without enthusiasm’, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson

At one time enthusiasm was a religious term but not any more. Now one can be enthusiastic about almost anything from water skiing to good food, without religion entering it at all.

At Pentecost the followers of Jesus were filled with enthusiasm – the word comes from the Greek ‘en theos’, God within.

They were filled with the spirit, the life giving breath of creation – and they were transformed from being terrified people into people of enthusiasm and commitment.

Christian theology and popular devotion have neglected the spirit’s crucial role in the world – kept it off stage. And yet the spirit was promised to all and belongs primarily to our world and not to any church and religion. It is defined most by its movement – it blows where it wills.

The truth is that this life giving spirit is available to us all. What we need to do is tune into its promptings and be prepared to follow its nudges and so be filled with enthusiasm.

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Thought for the Week – Scarcity

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We live in a culture where the clear message is that there is never enough.  We  always need to get more/buy more to be happy.
Images and feelings of this scarcity surround us – we are not good enough, safe enough, can never be certain enough, nor perfect enough,  not extra-ordinary enough…..we worry about having enough food, enough money.
This attitude and the felt sense it generates acts as a block to the flow of life and of grace.
And the search is on for more – life becomes a scramble to accumulate in case of a shortage.  We find it difficult to imagine the infinite – abundance – especially the infinite love of God.
The many multiplication stories in the gospels should give us some confidence even though the apostles who were constantly worried about scarcity advise Jesus against feeding the multitude.  Jesus wants them to change from a world view of
scarcity to one of abundance – to believe that there is enough manna in the desert for all of us.
A distinguishing feature of saints and the current Pope is that they know abundance – infinite love – that there is enough.
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Thought for the Week – the gift of forgiveness

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Today, we find it hard to believe in grace and the gift of life – the gift of forgiveness.  We are more and more  convinced that we can make everything happen including forgiveness  – a new metaphor permeates our day to day lives.

Rather than our lives growing and developing naturally we are convinced we can  “make” them.  We talk about ‘making time’, ‘making friends’, ‘making meaning’, ‘making money’, ‘making a living’, ‘making love’, even ‘making babies’,  we can make it all better.

Eda Gorres in her book, ‘The Hidden Face’, suggests something different – that forgiveness is “in large part, a gift and the result of grace and we who are advancing in age, need to be aware that, ‘Grace goes further in youth as it meets less opposition’. Old men and women are in soul as stiff, as lean, as bloodless as their bodies, except so far as grace penetrates and softens them. And it requires a flooding of grace to do this.

What is required of us is a gesture, an opening to this flooding of grace and that gesture could be to confess our failures to another and ask forgiveness – we all need to confess according to Dostoyevsky. It is a human need.

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Thought for the Week – Listening, paying attention

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At this time of year it is good to pay special attention to nature and listen to its varied and wonderful sounds. Last week a cuckoo landed on an electricity poll beside me and started to ‘cuckoo’ and then flew off. The wonder of it all!

Listening, paying attention is not something I do very well despite my ears being switched on all the time. In out culture we tend to be swamped by images and our sense of sight dominates all other senses.

Somewhere I read recently that neglecting the aural ‘de-spiritualised existence’.  Neglect of the aural pervades theology and spirituality – God is dealt primarily from a visual perspective, largely ignoring the transcendent possibilities of hearing.

Yet in Genesis, Adam and Eve “ heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day”

And the great obstacle the Israelites faced during the journey from Egypt toward freedom was their ‘hardness of heart’; they were a stiff necked people who did not listen to God but to themselves.

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Thought for the Week – recognise the presence of God active in your life

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There is an perplexity among those who meet Jesus after His resurrection – they fail to recognise him.  It was only once the Holy Spirit came among them at Pentecost that the apostles understood who had been in their midst – in other words it was in hindsight that they knew who it was and not at the time. Something seemed to prevent them seeing who it was.

Newman suggests that this reveals, “the trace of a general principle which comes before us again and again both in scripture and in the world, that God’s presence is not discerned at the time when it is upon us but afterwards when we look back upon what is gone and over.”

Jesus’ life gives us evidence for this law. Philip asked to see the Father, failing to grasp the privileged access he had already enjoyed; ‘Have I been with you so long a time and yet you do not know me, Philip?’

It is true for me too that it is only some time after an event that I recognise the presence of God active in my life.

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Thought for the Week – Hope is the most essential quality for our future as a species

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The message of Easter is one of hope
and not just hope in some distant utopia or fulfilment in an after- life.
It is the conviction that our world and my life
has meaning and is guided
and not simply at the mercy of chance
or the invisible hand of crude economics.
Hope leavens the life of a believer – and permeates every aspect
of  our life as planetary, cosmic creatures.
It acts as an antidote to desperation and helps us to keep our feet moving forward facing the future with courage.
We are not talking about optimism.
Optimism is about  the future- how we would
like things to turn out – how we would like to win the lotto.
It is a desire for things to be different.
Hope is about now, this present moment -it is the conviction
that there is meaning now despite what it might look like – that
something is worth doing however it turns out.
It allows us to give up trying to control everything in our lives
which can so inhibit our vision of a larger possibility and
it means we don’t have to exhaust ourselves trying to mint significance
every moment of  every day.
Hope is the most essential quality for our future as a species
because without hope none of us would
even believe in the possibility of a different world,
let alone work towards it…
St Paul in his letter to the Ephesians says, “My death defying ‘no’ to despair and my life affirming ‘yes’ to seemingly insurmountable problems in the midst of my life are both animated by hope in the invincible might of the risen Jesus and in the immeasurable scope of his power in us who believe”. (Eph 1:19) 
A friend once said to me, “of all my possessions be that material, spiritual or relational, the only one I pray I never lose is hope”.
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Thought for the Week – St Thomas Christians

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There are religious communities called St Thomas Christians. They claim to be founded by St Thomas in the first century and live in Southern India, on the Malabar Coast. That country was once under the sea. Following the Hindu tradition, Parasarama, sixth Avatar of Vishnu, threw his axe across the ocean, and the waters receded as far as his axe was thrown. The land which then rose from the water was fertile and lush. There was a community of Jews in that part of India in the first century, so it is possible that an Aramaic speaking Jew called Thomas might have visited.

Whether it is true or not, many of us could call ourselves ‘St Thomas Christians’ also, not because of the place we live, but because of the times we live in. We share his doubts and admire his cheekiness. ‘Unless I see the nail marks, and put my hand into His side, I will never believe’ [John 20: 28]. Many of us today would say, ‘Good on you, Thomas, I couldn’t have put it better myself.’

And there is another moment in the Gospels where Thomas stands up for us, and forces an answer from the Almighty which could have been left unsaid if it wasn’t for his impertinence. At the Last Supper Jesus is doing his best to console his followers who are apprehensive about his leaving them:  ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled, he says, you believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many mansions; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.’ And then the bold Thomas chirps up : ‘we haven’t the faintest notion where you’re going, so how on earth could we know the way?’ And so we get one of the most important answers ever given to human beings: ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and you have seen him’[John 14]. In other words, don’t listen to a single word you hear about God. Most of what you hear are fearful rumours, or libellous accusations, from people who must never have read the Bible. The only truth about God which we can rely on is what Jesus Christ said and did when he came here on earth. He did everything in his power, even giving up his own life, to let us know that God is love, that God loves each and every one of us.

As St Thomas Christians, it is not enough to hear this and say ‘My Lord  and my God;’ it is not enough to believe in the resurrection for someone else. We have to feel it, touch it, believe it for ourselves, at this moment in our lives, and not at some moment in the distant future. We have to throw our axe as far as we can and drag the world around us into blossoming fertility. That is what baptism and resurrection are all about: crawling out of the water and standing up tall on dry land. We have to live as people of the resurrection, as people who source their lives from the energy of Divine love; energy which we receive daily from an ever-loving God, and most especially through the Eucharist, this blood-transfusion which are now celebrating. We are a resurrected people and Alleluia is our song.  ‘Blessed are you, Thomas, because you saw and you believed: thanks to you, we are even more blessed who have, because of your dogged determination, also believed.’ We now live, in the light of your message, which is the Gospel  –  the best of all possible news: Christ is alive, Christ is risen from the dead, and so are we. Alleluia.

From a Homily by Mark Patrick Hederman for Low Sunday 2017.

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Thought for the Week – the changing flash of the kingfisher’s wing

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The Gospel of Mark portrays the disciples as unaware, failing to pick up the clues and nudges they were given: they don’t get it – and fail to recognise Him.

The kingfisher flashes past them and Peter or someone  (usually Peter) turns round and says, ‘Oh, I missed that!’.

In contrast, John’s Gospel presents a steady accumulation of moments of recognition and realisation from the moment ( right after the first sign in Cana)  when the disciples see his glory’ (John 2:11) and begin to understand.

In the Gospel of Luke we have the growing recognition of Jesus after the resurrection but it takes time. We have the two disciples on the road to Emmaus gradually understanding the new form of presence they encountered, recognising him at the breaking of bread.

Jesus clearly wants us to be alert, full of expectation and wonder – listening  to the words, watching with a degree of inner stillness that allows the unexpected world- the changing flash of the kingfisher’s wing to occur and startle us.

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